Condominium Documents

These are official documents that govern the Springbrook Hill Owners Association.

Springbrook Hill - A Condominium Community

Below are download links to our Declaration of Condominium, By Laws, and Rules.

Declaration of Condominium

CondoDocuments_Declaration_20180403_Abridged_unofficial_v2.0.pdf - Declaration of Condominium with amendments

This is an unofficial document because there is no consolidated official document. Officially there is only the original Declaration and each registered amendment.

By Laws

CondoDocuments_ByLaws_20060816_unofficial.pdf - Bylaws
CondoDocuments_ByLaws_20110602_1stAmendment.pdf - 1st Amendment to ByLaws

Two additional amendments to the ByLaws were made at the Annual Meeting in 2023, adding investment guidelines and rental regulations. They will be posted here once formalized.

These are the official ByLaws. 



Rule changes are made by the Executive Board, included in the minutes of meetings, and announced to the community via email.

Note: All policies below have been incorporated as rules, effective 1/18/24.

Policies (as of 1/18/24 all policies are now rules)

Copyright 2019 by Springbrook Hill Owners Association, 41 Springbrook Drive, Belfast Maine 04915

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